Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Death, Love, and the God Who Weeps for His People

Jesus Wept.
The shortest verse in the Bible, but I’m only beginning to understand the breadth of it.

It was after the death of his friend Lazarus; he waited to return to help him until the man had been dead for four days. When he arrived Mary was crying, everyone was distraught, everyone was mad at Jesus, because they knew he could have helped. Jesus asked to see the body, then breaks down.
The Savior of the universe, Son of GOD, breaks down and cries.
He was about to heal Lazarus, why would he cry, why not laugh, berate them for their doubt, and then call the man up out of his grave. It would have been a big glorious show of the power of God, but Jesus contrasted with all those possibilities by breaking down into tears. I’m so hung up on this… why?
Oh the… humanity?

The humanity of Jesus is something that is most widely discussed in something like the DaVinci Code where he is portrayed as impregnating Mary etc. etc. excuse me while I puke.

Jesus was fully man and fully God. Ok, that makes no sense so don’t preach to me that crap without explaining what it means. (Can you tell I’m in Church all the time?)

Jesus was human, like you and I. He had the same weaknesses, the same mind, and the same heart, just like us. He was tempted, he was hurt, he laughed, he cried, he bled, he got hungry and he even had to pee. He had to control his thoughts and emotions just like we are… supposed to. What made Jesus capable of that?
He had the same promise we do, he was just more aware of it, because he was the Son of God.
He was the embodiment of the conscience that drives you and I toward the truth.
He was (is) a man, but he was the walking example of how scripture was supposed to be lived.
That’s why Jesus is so amazing; he was just like us, but without the willingness to compromise that messes us up every time.

And so he wept, he could carry the weight of his calling anymore without cracking just a little. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for him to stay away those extra days. It must have torn him apart, then he gets there to see Mary so broken, his friend gone, his alleged friends berating him for not doing what he “should have done.” He couldn’t carry that burden, that… cross… anymore.

This changes my entire perspective on the man Jesus; he isn’t just the example of perfection that I’ll never reach. He was a broken man who went by each day giving his best with a determination unrivaled, because he loved those broken souls around him that much.
All for love.

He wept because he loved his people so much that their despair broke him, even though he could fix it, he knew the cost.

Even then, he knew the cost.

This blog is so incomplete that I did not want to post it, but here are my thoughts so far. :-)
Psalm 27:8

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude that's cool.. it seems as though it wasn't too long ago I was explaining my thoughts on this very same verse. I was just screaming that! well... the part about how Jesus wept. Wept means that he was balling his eyes out.. cryin very hard. I sat there a minute and thought, why would Jesus do that when He Himself knew in just a few minutes He was about to raise Lazzy from the dead? I believe He did it to show how much we should care for people. That we should weep for those that we have lost, if only until we also reach heaven.. or otherwise. He was completely human too, and he had emotions. If your friend died, wouldn't you "weep"? You're right man, it is a pivotal point in scripture, and it's one that shouldn't be glazed over.