Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Men of God, Feet Washing, and Emotional Train Wrecks

This was originally a comment on Willie Macs note, but as I wrote the comment I decided it needed to be a whole blog.
Disclaimer: This is written specifically for guys, so ladies if some things don’t click, I’m sorry.

I can count on my hands the number of men that I really respect on this campus. There are over 700 people within 200 yards of me, and I can’t think of ten Godly men. That puts up red flags all over the place and honestly, it makes me mad.
God is screaming at so many men to stand up and be the righteous MEN OF GOD that they are called to be. But until you step up you’re still a boy. I don't care what John Eldredge says.
To be a man is not wondering around in the woods, not satisfying your emotional urges with breaking things or using a woman to make yourself feel better--in whatever way that may be.
There are two things that can undo a man before anything else: pride and a woman. Those two things will never fail to bring you down, just look at David in 2nd Samuel.

The Devil always uses the same method, and he often fools us into the lie that he attacks in many different ways but really it all boils down to one thing. He will always use your emotions against you; he will never attack your heart, soul, mind or strength without attacking your emotions.

The Devils goal for our lives, specifically for the campus of UM is to get a bunch of emotional train wrecks that are useless to the Kingdom of God. I propose to you that he has succeeded. That all these men who are called to be leaders are sitting around moping about their problems as God is shouting to his soldiers to STAND UP and FIGHT.
He has promised you deliverance, and indeed it is already given to you, but instead you are content to sit in a pool of your own self-pity and let the Kingdom pass you by.

So many of you are “called” to be pastors, preachers, missionaries and worship leaders; Church planters and counselors. You all have the opportunity to practice that here, but you just sit and wait on God to open doors. Brothers, the DOORS ARE OPEN and no one is stepping up. So I beg you in the Spirit of the Living God, step up and be a man, take your place in the grand masterpiece of Gods work and watch what he does through you all over everything you touch.

Back to where we started. Campus Ministries is looking for a few good men and you’re one of them, if you step up. You are here, so you are called to this school, therefore you are called to play a part in Gods work here. Campus Ministries is by no means representative of Gods work, but it is a major way to get involved and find a place where you can serve. If you aren’t serving, then you’re out of the will of God.
That doesn’t necessarily mean Campus Ministries specifically, but what I’m trying to say is simple. Stand up, be a man, and wash somebody’s feet.

Please don’t think I’m just bashing for the heck of it, because I’m really preaching to myself here. I just want the brothers here at UM to be unified for something, because there are so many men that could be such rocks of faith, but they are just a kick in the pants shy of pressing onward. I’m not here to give you that kick in the pants, that’s the Holy Spirits job, I just wanted to pass on what is on my heart about the men on this campus. I am here for each and every one of you, I am praying for you generally, but I would be happy to pray for you specifically, I welcome anything you have to say about my blog and I would love to hear what God is doing in and around you.
Grace and Peace to you
1 John 2:13-14


Light in the midst of darkness said...

I whole heartedly agree with you my friend. I also can only count a couple on this campus that I and I even dare to say God counts as righteous. I will say this about the blog though, just because we are called to be these things does not mean we always hear of these openings for these jobs. I know we have talked before about you and the campus chaplain thing. Though I do not feel called to be a chaplain of the dorms, I also did not hear of any applications needing to be filled out or interviews going on. As you also know, I tried applying for one of these leadership jobs. It just was not in my cards to get such job. Though I firmly believe God opens doors daily for us, I also believe Satan does as well. Just because doors ARE open does not necessarily mean we are meant to walk through thm. They could easily be traps that ensnare our greed, arrogance and selfishness or self-worth towards other people. Through these job openings, and because we are mere humans we can easily be swede into believing through our flesh God did not get us here but it was ourseves alone. Not to say the men of God should not step up and take notice of these openings, but before they enter them they must have that full calling by the Holy Spirit to walk through thoughs doors, mainly to make sure they're are not traps to blind us to what really matters. Keep the faith and keep bashing if need be, I will support and comment when I feel led. God Bless

Rebel With a Cause said...

I agree with you, and from your response I can tell that you aren't who I'm talking to with needing to walk through doors. I can tell you are seeking the Lord and I'm glad to have another brother who is seeking the Lords will for their lives. And I'm curious, who are you? lol
Peace be with you

Gabriel Denton said...

The Devil allways attack at what is most true, Most worthy, most Christ like, and Most loveing. I'm really proud of you. I though tof ten guys on campus who I thought were clos to God, but it was difficult to think of them. I really like the Idea we all have a mission but we are just lazy. I'mglad your agree use that energy well.

Anonymous said...

That's how I feel about people at my school, too. NOW is the time to wake up & fight! The Call has been issued! Answer!