Saturday, December 9, 2006

The Rebel, The Redemption and this is for all the little people....

I have a leather jacket that is so cool. Those of you have seen it know what im talkin about, and probly just smiled a little bit when you thought about it as you mumble something to yourself about me being a dork and needing new clothes.
Shush. Your getting me off track.

There are a few theorys for why I like "The allegedly bulletproof semi-shiny jacket of rebellion"
1. It has shiny stars on it, Im fond of shiny things
2. Its unique, and vintage. Word.
3. It has shiny stars on it.
4. It is theoretically bulletproof
5. It's black, i look good in black. (I probly should throw the word "theoretically" in this statement to.)
6. It has shiny stuff on it, and stars that shine in the light-I know how to make it glow. (Lord help me I've referenced a rap song in a blog.)
7. It makes me look like a rebel

Now... I choose to ignore the first 6 points and focus on the last one.

A rebel can be a fun title, especially one so mischievous (yay spellcheck!) as myself. I went to University of Mobile friday and saturday and spent the night on campus. Starting there next fall yay go college but anyway....

I love the thought of the freedom, of doing stupid crap that you will look at the scar later and laugh about it. Now, ill pretend every girl reader didnt just think with a sigh "boys" and i'll press on.

I used to be a rebel against authority in general, just a rebel, the quiet kid who never got caught but most certainly did some things he wasnt supposed to. lol
(What can I say I'm good at what I do.)

In case you don't know my life story ill put it in a run-on sentence sized nut-shell and you can ask about the interesting parts and ill tell you.

Little kid, church all the time, meant jack squat, questioned Gods perfect will, suicide, moving, growing up, finding Jesus fo real, finding joy, finding true friendship, being blessed, growing in Christ, finding a girl, breaking up with girl cause she doesnt love Jesus, growing up more, loving Jesus more, finding true love from above, finding purpose.

Yea ask about anything you want and ill tell ya.

So I found God, and I found love and I found purpose. I'm still a rebel, but now I have a cause.

I am Vindicated!
I am forgiven, I am redeemed of everything I have done wrong.

I rebel not out of being conceited, but because the expectations of this world are nothing, NOTHING compared to what I have found. I rebel against this world and what they tell me to believe, because I can do better!!!

I am Vindicated
I am running for the finish line
Just this time, This loser will get a crown

I run the race,
my steps I will never retrace
for the cause I run for you,

The cause of love
the cause of grace
the dream of when I will see you face to face

Just wrote that, you should hear it with a guitar....

We are so infinitesimal compared to God.
I feel so small in the shadow of him, even seeing tiny glimpses of his power leaves me breathless, in tears, trembling, for lack of a better word.... high. (Yea i said it, lol)

Our human bodies and minds can't handle the power of God, seeing him would kill us, and just the glimpses we get of things he does leave us so affected. I love it.
If you've never felt that, here's how:

When we passionately pursue the cause of Christ, the evidence of Gods glory becomes all the more evident, it becomes on your mind more than anything else. Praying unceasingly becomes a reality, and the desires of your heart match those of the one who created you.
It is not easy, the harder you strive for Christ the more satan fights you. I say to him bring it on. I am madly in love with the creator of the universe, I have already won.
All the people who do big things, because they see how small they are in the sight of God. Then God did something big through them, watch for it, it happens all the time.
God Bless the little people....

We have already won!
Rev. 22:21
P.S. I copied this blog from myspace for my first blog here. All future blogs will be posted in both places, but lets just admit... this is cooler.